Pesticide industry

美 [ˈpestɪsaɪd ˈɪndəstri]英 [ˈpestɪsaɪd ˈɪndəstri]
  • 网络农药工业
Pesticide industryPesticide industry
  1. Requirement and Development of Chinese Pesticide Industry in the New Century


  2. Progress on the Research Field of Tea Saponin Application in Pesticide Industry


  3. Situations and development trends of China 's pesticide industry


  4. Key Periods in the Development of China Pesticide Industry & For China 60 Anniversary


  5. This case introduced situation of Chinese pesticide industry and introduced influence of pesticide to environment .


  6. The Actuality and Some Developing Suggestions for Hunan Pesticide Industry


  7. Strategy of Merger and Adjustment in Pesticide Industry


  8. On Pesticide Industry in the 21st Century


  9. Pesticide industry is a special industry whose development is relevant directly to the life and health of human being .


  10. Our pesticide industry is developed on the base of " me-too " products abroad .


  11. Advanced Pesticide Industry in Guangdong


  12. Finally , the development strategies of insect-virus pesticide industry were put forward based on the SWOT analysis matrix .


  13. Biology pesticide industry is the rising sun industry and it can nowadays satisfy the persistence development request .


  14. The development of pesticide industry in the world tends to be more centralized and more monopolized .


  15. Combined with material instance of pesticide industry in Shandong province , the thesis analyzes its practice question comprehensively and actually .


  16. For the past several decades , the pesticide industry in China has made prominent contributions to the development of the country 's agriculture .


  17. This thesis father put forward that the mode of pesticide industry in Shandong is based on agricultural production and adjusted by planting configuration .


  18. Glacial acetic acid can be uses broadly in synthetic fibre , dope , medicine , pesticide industry .


  19. We get the conclusions as follows : ( 1 ) The best strategy of the development of insect-virus pesticide industry is SO Growth Strategy .


  20. Since reforming and opening to world , the Chinese pesticide industry has been considerably developing . China became an important pesticide producer in the world .


  21. Meanwhile , pesticide industry faces threats like foreign companies occupy Chinese market and the price of raw material raises due to short supple of energy .


  22. While domestic pesticides are the fastest growing segment of the pesticide industry , a correlation exists between all pesticide exposure and birth defects .


  23. This article discussed the practical significance of green pesticides'development , and took Jiangsu Kesheng group as an example to introduce how to make modern green pesticide industry .


  24. At the same time , this article tries to create a harmonious atmosphere for development through the improvement legislation , and to improve the overall level of pesticide industry in china .


  25. Put forward new thoughts on developing pesticide industry in our province on the basis of analysing disparities between pesticide trade in our province and that at home and abroad .


  26. Third , the amendments shifted , from EPA to the pesticide industry , responsibility for the costs of disposing of cancelled pesticides .


  27. Be restricted environmental industry , pesticide industry can be controlled to develop sostenuto ; That is mentioned above paragraphs is the new developmental thoughtway .


  28. As the developing of pesticide industry , improving of pesticide use standard and strengthening of pesticide label management , there have appeared some new problems and contradiction in Chinese pesticide label management .


  29. One of the problems , according to researchers and the pesticide industry , is that there are few chemicals on the market approved for use on mattresses that are effective at reducing bed bug numbers .


  30. In terms of CSR practice in pesticide industry , we can see that people have enhanced their awareness of social responsibility . And economic responsibility and legal responsibility are being perfected . Ethical responsibility and philanthropic responsibility are being strengthened .
